The process of selecting sleep sensors is not always a very objective one. In fact, most sleep diagnostic facilities tend to buy reflexively, with rarely a second thought. The same sensors and the same technology because it is simply familiar. But times are changing and with tightening budgets, less money needs to buy more. The good news is that with Dymedix, you can have it all.
Legacy sensors, from thermistors to pressure transducers and piezo crystal to RIP effort belts are sensing technologies utilized longer than most professionals have been in the sleep field. The signals are slow or non-liner expressions of the source, and we’ve even compensated scoring rules to accommodate the limitations. Dymedix uses polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), a material that can sense heat, pressure, and vibration all at once from a single sensor. It is linear and therefore more accurate, as well as fast, with a 5 millisecond response time. The pricing is comparable to or better than any single channel sensor, with an industry leading warranty. Best of all, it eliminates the need for sensor redundancy and improves patient comfort.
Taking airflow as an example of this concept. Sourcing the least expensive options readily available for an adult patient population, here is a budgetary impact to consider. A thermistor or thermocouple averages around $137 for a reusable sensor with a six month warranty. A snore sensor averages another $133 with a similar warranty period. Presuming the PSG system has integrated PTAF already, the nasal cannulas average about $128 for a box of fifty. That is $1,038 per bed per year to measure airflow and snoring alone. Sourcing from the same distributor, Dymedix can provide the same data with better quality and a one year warranty from a single, unobtrusive sensor for $250 per bed. Accepted by the AASM and available worldwide, Dymedix is the solution that lets you have it all.